Rainbow Lightning Youth Village

The mission of Rainbow Lightning Youth Village is simple; to keep the inner child inspired!

We are dedicated to aiding individuals in finding what it is in life that they are most passionate about. 

We believe that once a person has found their deeper direction, it creates a meaning for themselves that will have nothing but a positive impact on the world around them!

Our goal is to empower everyone around us ((starting with the youth)),

to discover their healthiest highest purpose… and to live life I N S P I R E D !


Rainbow Lightning Youth Village creates spaces and programs at events of all types and sizes; offering a wide variety of workshops that plant seeds of personal and civic responsibilty into young minds, while instilling a true sense of pride and accomplishment!

These programs are collaborative, multi-media, creative art and nature based. They are led by artists and educators from our hand selected team of mentors, that have been following their dreams, making a living doing what they love!

Rainbow Lightning Youth Village leaders are passionate about helping people of all ages [and needs] to gain a grounded sense of self by discovering their own true passions!

...and a word we live by. . .
F R I E N D S H I P !